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30 Temmuz 2011 Cumartesi

Living Dead Grrl - Makeup To Die For

This is really exciting! Living Dead Grrl is a very newly launched UK Indie mineral makeup brand.
If you have remember reading beauty blog 'Robert Smith's Mistress' this is made/owned by her Lyndsay! She stopped blogging for a while but she's back with Living Dead Grrl and a new blog.
I got sent a load of samples and two full sizes to review, yay :)

First thought is that I really love the name and the motto being 'Makeup To Die For' The logo is pretty good too with a living dead hand emerging from a grave. A thing that stood out for me is that I love the fact that she listed on every colour whether it's lip safe and vegan. Which I've never seen before on any other company, this saves time by looking up every shade online or contacting the seller.

I've noticed that every shade has this silky soft texture which is lovely especially that a lot of them are shimmer and iridescent, but obviously there are some colours that are more pigmented than others. The majority are very descent on pigmentation and very impressed to say the least. Full-Sizes are only £3.50 a pop, which is really nicely budget-friendly in my opinion quality of the products are NOT sacrificed.

All my swatches are without any base or primer.

The Cure Disintegration Collection- Inspired by the band The Cure and one of their albums. The funny thing is that's it's my boyfriends favourite band in the world and he idolizes Robert Smith.
Makeup and The Cure come together muahaha.

L2R- Prayers For Rain, The Same Deep Water As You, Lullaby, Fascination Street.

Prayers For Rain (Deep Blackened Blue) - This reminds me much like discontinued Urban Decay's Envy which is a gorgeous metallic marine blue.
The Same Deep Water As You (Deep Blackened Green)- A swamp green full of iridescence.
Lullaby (Pale Grey With Multi Colour Pastel Glitter)- Sparkling silver shade
Fascination Street (Pale Purple With Slight Green Highlight And Sparkles)- Silvery purple and you can see the green reflecting.

So I Married An Axe Murderer Collection

L2R- Mrs X, Being Electrocuted, That's A Fact, Woooman.

Mrs X (Deep Red/Plum Shade With Some Red Sparkles)- Warm toned metal red
Being Electrocuted (Clear Bright Blue With Silver Glitter)- Very bright twinkling blue
That's A Fact (Bright Yellow Toned Green With Orange Sparkles)- Sparkling lemon & lime had a baby. I love this chartreuse yellow colour.
Woooman (Neon Peach With Pink Highlight)- This colour seriously reminds me of orange sherbet :)

The Roller Derby Collection

L2R- Derby Wife, Lead Jammer, Passing The Star, Whip It.

Derby Wife (Bright Cool Toned Pink With Purple Highlights And Pink/Purple Glitter)- This one will probably need a cream base to get the best from it's reflecting duo chrome colour.
Lead Jammer (Dark Smoky Gunmetal Grey With A Ton Of Multicoloured Sparkles)- Sparked up brown toned grey.
Passing The Star (Bright White With Silver & Gold Sparkles)- Perfect iridescent highlighting shade.
Whip It (Mid Toned Green With Gold Highlight And Gold/Green Sparkles)- Sparkling Irish Shamrock colour

Spaced Collection

L2R- Fantasy Bazaar, Robot Club, Heeello Brian, Skip To The End.

Fantasy Bazaar ( Shimmery Yellow Gold)- Pale twinkling white toned gold
Robot Club (Pale Ice Blue)- A minty icicle toned blue.
Heeello Brian (Red Toned Plum)- Rich berry purpled plum, gorgeous iridescence to it.
Skip To The End (Bright Teal With Gold And Copper Sparkles)- Bright bold twinkling teal

Disclaimer- These products were sent to me by  the owner of Living Dead Grrl, this does never mean I will give a false review. All my reviews are always my total honest opinions.

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