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7 Ağustos 2011 Pazar

Tagged Again! :)

I've been tagged by lovely blogger xcharleym0ox. Thank you! :)

Now for the rules tag 5 other bloggers you love to read and answer the following load of questions haha.

1. Where is your cell phone? In my bag

2. Your hair? Naturally wavy and very thick and long, is awfully wild without the straighteners.

3. Your Mother? Sophisticated

4. Your Father? Nutty :D

5. Your favourite food? I have phases and I love my food but right now my addiction is Sesame Snaps. :)

6. Your dream last night? Usually about a Zombie rampage.

7. Your favourite drink? Coffee, Tea, Coke and water.

8. Your dream / goal? To be happy and do good.

9. What room are you in? Living Room

10. Your hobby? Blogging, makeup, watching horror movies, music, dolls.

11. Your fear? Germs ahhh

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? I don't like to think too far ahead.

13. Where were you last night? At home.

14. Something you aren't? Lots of things I guess.

15. Muffins? Choc Chip

16. Wish list item? Loads of Illamasaqua I have to plan a haul and Urban Decay Alice In Wonderland palette.

17. Where did you grow up? South-East London

18. Last thing you did? Ate my dinner

19. What are you wearing? I just put my nightwear on, I love to be comfy in the evenings.

20. Your TV? Nothing at the moment.

21. Your pets? My bf's dog Manson and my dog that lives with my Dad called Sid.

22. Your friends? My Boyfriend

23. Your life? Could be alottttt better!

24. Your mood? Tired

25. Missing someone? My BF

26. Vehicle? Nope not me

27. Something your not wearing? Makeup I took it off ahhh!

28. Your favourite store? Boots and Superdrug.

29. Your favourite colour? Red, Black, Purple and Silver.

30. When was the last time you laughed? Today

31. Last time you cried? Cannot remember.

32. Your best friend? My Boyfriend

33. One place that i go over and over? The makeup shop lol.

34. One person who emails me regularly? Ah Spam loves me

35. Favourite place to eat? Noodle Bar

I tag...

Evil Angel

...and anyone else that wishes to do this! :)

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