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10 Ağustos 2011 Çarşamba

Beauty Product Haul

First up i want to say sorry for being MIA! I have been so busy recently - i normally get at least one day a week where i can blog and/or film a Youtube video....but not anymore :( But i will be doing my best to update both as often as possible, hopefully get back to once a week soon! I may have some good news to why i have been so busy recently, but i better not say anything until i know it's definitely happening!

Now onto the spending (which i have found time to do...a little bit) :) If you follow me on Twitter you may know i went to London last weekend to pick up my new Mini!! Which i can't stop going on about because i am overly happy with it, it's a massive upgrade to what i had before...

Whilst in London i took a trip to Westfields shopping centre which is absolutely amazing - if you haven't already been, you must! It has every single shop you could ever want. I bought a few clothes but mainly beauty items. Most items are from Superdrug.

First up is Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Pearl ~ Twinkled Pink. I love this colour, it's a light coral pink. Perfect for the summer!
I also purchased Maybelline ColorSensational Gloss - 122 Lovely Pink. This is really pretty, non sticky also which is great. The range has some very sparkly, glittery shades but to me the one i choose was definitely the prettiest pink with no glitter - just a sheen.

 I got my favorite ever powder by MaxFactor - Facefinity, if you haven't tried it you must! It gives that gorgeous matte look and sets my foundation all day. I also picked up MaxFactors Miracle Touch in shade 55 Blushing Beige. I'm not too sure about this foundation, it's gives a lovely matte effect with only a small application - but i felt it did dry my skin out slightly. It might be better suited to oily skin. I will still be wearing it but with more moisturiser underneath.

Of course i took a trip to Topshop to check out their new make-up range. Nothing really jumped out at me but i loved the colour of their nail polish - Big Smoke. A trendy mushroom brown. 

I also picked up Barry M - Pale Blue that i have been lusting over for a while.
This is such a beautiful blue, i saw someone wearing it once and had to ask where it was from - it really is an eye catcher!

I haven't heard much about the Topshop bronzers so i picked one up - and now i know why i haven't heard much about them...they aren't great. Don't get me wrong i don't not like them i just don't think they should be labelled as a bronzer as they really aren't dark enough - for my liking anyway! This is almost orangey but very light. It has highlight running through it - i prefer to put highlight on my cheek-bones and bronzer under my cheek-bones, so this doesn't work too well for me. I would wear this as an all over face bronzer.

I bought two of my favorite moisturisers - Palmers Cocoa Butter body moisturiser with SPF 15 and Nivea sooth and protect lip balm.
I also picked up Garnier Youthful Radiance face moisturising which i have been trying out recently and i don't think much about it - it really doesn't moisturise enough and it smells really strong of something strange.

I finally picked up Batiste dry shampoo which i have heard rave reviews about - i love using it to create volume in my hair! I recommend it much more than Tigi's Rockaholic dry shampoo. I also bought a little round brush to style my fringe.

Models Own sent me some goodies from their new make-up collection. Here are my thought on the products they sent:
Above: Powder Blush - Cheeky Pink
I much prefer powder blushes to cream blushes, for me they work better on top of foundation. This colour is very pretty and very pigmented - perfect for pale or tanned skin. It has slight shimmer to help highlight cheekbones.

Above: Duel Eyeshadow - Night and Day
Once again very pigmented which is great, i wear the white in the inner corners of my eye and fade the black out to the outer corners. 

Above: Models Own Lipstick - Red Wine
This is the perfect name for this colour! I personally would not wear this colour but if you like your dark lipsticks then this would be fab! Very sultry and also well pigmented and creamy. As for the packaging - i don't think i like it, i know they are trying to be a bit different than the usual black but the see-through packaging almost seems unfinished. Un-pretty packaging doesn't effect the product but when products have gorgeous packaging i am more inclined to pick it up and buy it!

Above: Lip and Face Paint - Neon Yellow
I think it's fab Models Own have come out with face paints, they are fantastic if you love experimenting with bright colours. These can be used anywhere - eyes, lips or face! Perfectly pigmented and they don't have that 'face paint' smell.

That's it for today lovelies! I will post my clothing buys soon :)
Hope you enjoyed my purchases - i will be doing more detailed reviews on some of the products soon.

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